Spotting Warning Signs
There can be several kinds of warning signs for EDs, ranging from very visible and obvious to extremely subtle. While there is no comprehensive list and no one-size-fits-all approach to spotting warning signs for eating disorders, what we have compiled is a starting point. These are some of the most commonly observed symptoms – emotional, behavioural and physical.

& Behavioral
In general, attitudes and behaviours that suggest that dieting, weight loss and control of food are becoming increasingly important.
Frequent dieting, including refusal to eat certain foods, progressing to restrictions against whole categories of food (e.g., no carbohydrates, no sugar etc.)
Extreme mood swings
Focusing on weight, food, calories, carbohydrates, fat grams, and dieting
Appears uncomfortable eating around others
Food rituals (e.g., eats only a particular type of food or food group [e.g., condiments], excessive chewing, doesn’t allow the foods to touch each other)
Not having full meals or having small portions of food at regular meals
Withdrawal from usual friends and activities
Extreme concern with body size and shape
Frequently checking the mirror to see the flaws in appearance
Disruption or change in eating patterns
Fixation on nutritional content of foods
Noticeable weight fluctuations – significant weight loss or gain
Fainting or dizziness
Difficulty concentrating, sleeping
Issues with dental, skin, hair, and nail health
Stomach cramps, other general gastrointestinal problems (acid reflux, constipation, etc.)
Loss, delay or disturbance of menstruation in people who menstruate
Abnormal laboratory findings (low thyroid and hormone levels, anaemia, low potassium, low red and white blood cell counts)
Dental problems, such as cavities, enamel erosion and tooth sensitivity
Dry skin and hair, and brittle nails
Muscle weakness
Impaired immune functioning
Musculoskeletal injuries and soreness or pain from overexercising
Having low energy levels
Feeling cold even when there is warm weather